Storm Lake realizó foro sobre la fe e inmigración
/De izquierda a derecha los panelistas son: Dr. Jason Lief (profesor de teología del instituto Northwestern en Orange City), Mayra López (iglesia de los Nuevos Comienzos- Asamblea de Dios), Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya (profesor de religión de la universidad de Buena Vista), Jefe de la policía de Storm Lake Mark Prosser (iglesia catolica St. Mary), Lorna H.Halaas (Bishop en Iowa del este, Synod de la Iglesia Evangelica Luterana en America (ELCA), Rev. Ricky Sanchez (iglesia Roca Fuerte de Dios).
Jesus Hidago
Colaborador en Storm Lake
El 22 de octubre la iglesia St. Mark Luterana de Storm Lake llevó a cabo en un evento en colaboración con un grupo diversos de ciudadanos del estado de Iowa y representantes de distintas religiones y grupos étnicos, para hablar acerca de la fe y la Inmigración. El evento fue organizado por SALUD Multicultural Health Coalition de la ciudad de Storm Lake y Maxine Lampe.
En el evento se hablaron temas sobre cómo abordar a los hispanos en el contexto de las convicciones religiosas y los actuales problemas de inmigración.
Como bien es conocido, Storm Lake es una comunidad con una densa población de inmigrantes de muchas partes del mundo. “Una de las cosas más maravillosas que hemos visto es la diversidad cultural de nuestra comunidad, y cuando la gente viene aquí es bello apoyar lo que ya existe,” dijo Ricky Sánchez.
Con respecto a las tensiones y problemas que la diversidad cultural genera en la comunidad, Mayra Lopez dijo, “Al principio mi mamá no podía hablar en inglés y no le fue tan fácil asimilarse a la comunidad por eso a pesar de que tratamos de dar la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos hermanos hispanos, nos hemos olvidado de ser inclusivos por muchos motivos. Y gracias al rol de la iglesia mi mamá pudo encontrar el apoyo que necesitaba e integrarse.”
Acerca de las practicas a tomar para ser mas inclusivos y ganar la confianza de los nuevos residentes que llegan a Storm Lake, el Doctor Swasti Bhattacharyya expresó, “En los comienzos de los años 90 Storm Lake comenzó a desarrollar la diversidad creando nueva formas de vida en nuestra comunidad, y con ello nuevos trabajadores comenzaron a surgir entonces, este es un recordatorio para hacer un esfuerzo y salir de nuestra zona de conforte, comenzar a conocer nueva gente y establecer amistad con ellos. Esta es la única forma para practicar lo bello de la diversidad que tenemos. Mientras más hagamos esto con nuestros vecinos mejores resultados tendremos en nuestras iglesias.”
On October 22, the St. Mark Lutheran church in Storm Lake held an event in collaboration with a diverse group of citizens of the state of Iowa and representatives of different religions and ethnic groups, to talk about faith and Immigration. The event was organized by HEALTH Multicultural Health Coalition of the city of Storm Lake and Maxine Lampe.
During the event, topics were discussed on how to approach Hispanics in the context of religious convictions and current immigration problems.
As is well known, Storm Lake is a community with a dense population of immigrants from many parts of the world. “One of the most wonderful things we have seen is the cultural diversity of our community, and when people come here it is beautiful to support what already exists,” said Ricky Sánchez.
Regarding the tensions and problems that cultural diversity generates in the community, Mayra Lopez said, “At first my mother could not speak in English and it was not so easy to assimilate to the community because of that although we tried to give Welcome to our new Hispanic brothers, we have forgotten to be inclusive for many reasons. And thanks to the role of the church, my mother was able to find the support she needed and integrate. ”
On the practices to be taken to be more inclusive and gain the trust of new residents who arrive in Storm Lake, Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya said, “In the early 1990s Storm Lake began to develop diversity by creating new ways of life In our community, and with it new workers began to emerge then, this is a reminder to make an effort and leave our comfort zone, begin to meet new people and establish friendship with them. This is the only way to practice the beauty of the diversity we have. The more we do this with our neighbors, the better results we will have in our churches. ”
Como se caracteriza la comunidad de Storm Lake?
Ricky Sanchez: “Una de las cosas mas maravillosas que hemos visto el ano pasado fue cuan diversa es la comunidad de Storm Lake pero ademas cuando sentimos que venimos a esta ciudad para comenzar algo nuevo tambien lo hacemos pero dandole apoyo a algo que ya existe.”
Cuales son las tensiones y problemas que se generan por la diversidad en la comunidad?
Mayra Lopez: “Al principio mi mama no podia hablar en ingles y no le fue tan facil asimilarse a la comunidad por eso a pesar que tratamos de dar la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos hermanos hispanos nos hemos olvidado de ser inclusivos por muchos motivos. Y gracias al rol de la iglesia mi mama pudo encontrar el apoyo que necesitaba e integrarse.”
Que practicas debemos hacer nosotros para abrirnos mas y tener confianza con los nuevos miembros de la comunidad?
Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya: “En los comienzos de los anos 90 Storm Lake comenzo a desarrollar diversidad creando nueva vida y por ello nuevos trabajadores comenzaron a surgir entonces, este es un recordatorio para hacer un esfuerzo y salir de nuestra zona de comfort, comenzar a conocer nueva gente y juntarnos con ellos. Esta es la unica forma. Mientras mas hagamos esto con nuestra comunidad seremos mas los que estaremos seguros de hacerlo en nuestras iglesias.”
Como crees que juntos podemos lograr un desempeno significativo de inmigracion?
Chief Mark Prosser: “El desempeño de la inmigración es tomar segmentos del DACA, TPS y programas de refugiados a la vez y tomando Tambien a grandes líderes en el centro de la mesa donde puedan verse comprometidos y entender que no pueden ganarlo todo pero tampoco pueden perderlo todo.”
Durante el intermedio del evento se realizo un breve coro musical desarrollado por ciertos estudiantes de colegios locales y para dar concluida la reunion, todos los participantes prendieron velas y cantaron una cancion de agradecimiento.
Durante el intermedio del evento se realizó un breve coro musical desarrollado por ciertos estudiantes de colegios locales y para dar concluida la reunión, todos los participantes prendieron velas y cantaron una canción de agradecimiento.
Google Translation
On October 22, the St. Mark Lutheran church in Storm Lake held an event in collaboration with a diverse group of citizens of the state of Iowa and representatives of different religions and ethnic groups, to talk about faith and Immigration. The event was organized by HEALTH Multicultural Health Coalition of the city of Storm Lake and Maxine Lampe.
During the event, topics were discussed on how to approach Hispanics in the context of religious convictions and current immigration problems.
As is well known, Storm Lake is a community with a dense population of immigrants from many parts of the world. “One of the most wonderful things we have seen is the cultural diversity of our community, and when people come here it is beautiful to support what already exists,” said Ricky Sánchez.
Regarding the tensions and problems that cultural diversity generates in the community, Mayra Lopez said, “At first my mother could not speak in English and it was not so easy to assimilate to the community because of that although we tried to give Welcome to our new Hispanic brothers, we have forgotten to be inclusive for many reasons. And thanks to the role of the church, my mother was able to find the support she needed and integrate. ”
On the practices to be taken to be more inclusive and gain the trust of new residents who arrive in Storm Lake, Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya said, “In the early 1990s Storm Lake began to develop diversity by creating new ways of life In our community, and with it new workers began to emerge then, this is a reminder to make an effort and leave our comfort zone, begin to meet new people and establish friendship with them. This is the only way to practice the beauty of the diversity we have. The more we do this with our neighbors, the better results we will have in our churches. ”
Storm Lake City, October 22, 2019.- It was held in a free event held thanks to the collaboration of a diverse group of citizens of the state of Iowa, representatives of different religions and ethnic groups promoted by the city's Multicultural Health Coalition HEALTH from Storm Lake and organized by Maxine Lampe.
The invited panelists were Lorna H. Halaas del Bishop in Eastern Iowa, Synod of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in America (ELCA), Rev. Ricky Sanchez (Strong Rock Church), Chief Mark Prosser (St. Mary Catholic Church), Mayra Lopez (Church of the New Beginnings - Assembles of God), Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya (professor of religion at the University of Buena Vista). The moderator was Dr. Jason Lief (professor of theology at the Northwestern Institute in Orange City).
In this event very important issues were resolved on how we can be with our Hispanic brothers in the context of our religious convictions and recent immigration problems.
How is the Storm Lake community characterized?
Ricky Sanchez: “One of the most wonderful things we have seen last year was how diverse the Storm Lake community is but also when we feel we are coming to this city to start something new we also do it but supporting something that already exists. "
What are the tensions and problems that are generated by diversity in the community?
Mayra Lopez: “At the beginning my mother could not speak in English and it was not so easy to assimilate to the community because of that although we try to welcome our new Hispanic brothers we have forgotten to be inclusive for many reasons. And thanks to the role of the church, my mother was able to find the support she needed and integrate. ”
What practices should we do to open ourselves more and have confidence with the new members of the community?
Dr. Swasti Bhattacharyya: “In the early 90's Storm Lake began to develop diversity creating new life and therefore new workers began to emerge then, this is a reminder to make an effort and get out of our comfort zone, start Meet new people and join them. This is the only way. The more we do this with our community, the more we will be sure to do so in our churches. ”
How do you think that together we can achieve a significant immigration performance?
Chief Mark Prosser: “The performance of immigration is to take segments of the DACA, TPS and refugee programs at the same time and also take great leaders at the center of the table where they can be engaged and understand that they cannot win everything but they cannot lose everything. ”
During the intermission of the event a short musical choir was developed by certain students of local schools and to conclude the meeting, all the participants lit candles and sang a song of thanks.