Storm Lake realizará primer festival multicultural


Ashley Martínez Torres
Especial LA PRENSA Iowa

Storm Lake United (SLU) junto con el Ayuntamiento de Storm Lake realizaran el primer Festival de Orgullo Multicultural (Storm Lake Proud Multicultural Festival por su nombre en inglés), el 10 de septiembre del presente año, en el parque Chautauqua de 11am a 3pm. Ese mismo día se inaugurará la nueva cancha de soocer.

En el festival ofrecerá música, comida, danzas tradicionales de las diferentes culturas que conforman la población de Storm Lake, al igual que la participación del grupo Mariachi de la High School de Storm Lake, entre otros grupos.

La directora ejecutiva de SLU Breanna Horsey comentó, “Somos un pueblo unido y tenemos mucho que ofrecer, así que pienso que este festival puede atraer a visitantes de afuera que experimentaran algo distinto.”

Breanna tomó cargo de su posición a inicios del presente año y dice que desde entonces una de sus metas ha sido realizar un festival donde la comunidad pueda celebrar todas las culturas que forman parte de la ciudad. “No sé por qué no se había hecho un festival multicultural antes. Pienso que la comunidad lo necesita y que deberíamos celebrar la diversidad de nuestro pueblo.”

Keri Navratil, mánager del ayuntamiento comentó “Este festival será una buena oportunidad para que la comunidad se reúna cada año y celebre todas las culturas que hacen a Storm Lake un lugar diverso e inclusivo.”

Manager de la Ciudad de Storm Lake Keri Navratil.

De igual manera, Kei expresó que el ayuntamiento de Storm Lake agradece las opiniones y comentarios de los residentes, ya que estas suman al mejoramiento y crecimiento de Storm Lake. “Nuestra meta es mejorar Storm Lake de la forma que la comunidad quiere, no como el Ayuntamiento piense o crea lo que la población quiere.”  Agregó. “Si la comunidad no habla sobre lo que hay que cambiar, nosotros vamos a pensar que no hay nada que cambiar.”

Cabe mencionar que los organizadores del festival invitan a la comunidad a participar con cualquier tipo de destreza artística: baile, música, poesía, venta de comida o de artesanías. “No se establecerán cobros por puesto de comida o venta de artículos Queremos comenzar nuestro primer año con la mayor asistencia posible de visitantes y vendedores,” explicó Breanna.

Breana expresó que el festival es una oportunidad para educar a la población acerca de la cultura de sus vecinos y amigos. “También es una forma de apoyar nuestra economía local y atraer a visitantes.”

Cabe mencionar que la entrada al festival es gratis. Las personas interesadas en vender, formar parte de los grupos de entretenimiento o trabajo voluntario durante el festival, pueden comunicarse con Breana al (712)732-3780 o vía correo electrónico a

Este artículo es patrocinado por Western Iowa Journalism Foundation.



First Multicultural Festival comes to Storm Lake


Ashley Martínez Torres
Special for LA PRENSA Iowa

Storm Lake United (SLU) along with the Storm Lake City Council are planning the first Storm Lake Proud Multicultural Festival where people can find music, food, dance and traditions from all countries representing Storm Lake.

"We are such a unique town and we have so much to offer, and I think that [the festival] can really bring people from outside our town to experience something different," said SLU Executive Director Breanna Horsey.

Horsey took over her current position earlier this year and from that point on her goal was to hold a festival where the community could celebrate all the cultures that make up Storm Lake. According to her, Horsey and her daughter attended the 2019 Children's Festival, and she thought it was a great event to interact with the community and learn from other traditions, but the festival was not hosted in the following years.

"I don't know why they hadn't done a multicultural festival before or why they didn't continue to do the Children's Festival," she said. "But it's something I think the community needs, and we should celebrate the diversity of our people."

City Manager Keri Navratil.

Like Horsey, the Storm Lake City Council wanted to hold a cultural festival for a long time. Storm Lake City Manager Keri Navratil commented that although other cultural events had already been held in the town, "this festival would be a good opportunity for the community to come together every year and celebrate all the cultures that make Storm Lake a diverse and inclusive place."

Additionally, the Storm Lake City Council thanks its residents for providing their feedback on how the city can improve its services and grow more as a community. Its goal is to "improve Storm Lake the way the community wants, not the way the city council thinks it wants," Navratil explained. "If the community doesn't talk about what needs to be changed, we're going to think everything is good."

Although the entertainment for the festival has not yet been announced, the event coordinators invited the mariachi band, as well as other groups, from Storm Lake High School to be part of the entertainment of the festival; the event coordinators will release more information once it becomes available.

SLU and the Storm Lake City Council made a cordial invitation to the community to participate during the festival either through dancing, music, poetry, food sale or crafts sales. There will be no additional cost for businesses that want to sell their products during the festival.

"We want to start our first year with as much attendance as possible from visitors and vendors," Horsey explained.

She added that this festival could also be an opportunity not only to educate the population about the culture of their neighbors and friends, but to support the local economy and attract people out of town.

The festival is on September 10th at Chautauqua Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition, the new soccer mini pitch will be inaugurated that same day at 10:30 a.m., where there will be gifts and activities for the whole family.

Everybody is welcome to attend this event, admission is free and those interested in participating through food or crafts sales or as a part of entertainment can contact Storm Lake United at (712)732-3780 or Horsey via email at

This article is sponsored by the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation.