Distritos escolares se preparan para el regreso a clases

A pesar de que las Administraciones de los Distritos escolares de Storm Lake y Denison están preparados para el nuevo año escolar, también les preocupa la falta de maestros que actualmente existe en ambos Distritos. Foto cortesía de Arthur Krijgsman en Pexels.

Ashley Martínez Torres
Especial para LA PRENSA Iowa

A menos de un mes del regreso a clases, los distritos escolares de Denison y Storm Lake ya comenzaron los preparativos para recibir a los niños y jóvenes para el nuevo año escolar 2022-23.

El director de Denison High School Dave Wiebers expresó, “Esperamos concluir antes del primer día de clases con los proyectos de renovación que actualmente estamos realizando en el edificio.”

Según el señor Weber, algunos de los preparativos que la dirección de la High School está trabajando, entre otras cosas, es en acomodar el tamaño de los estudiantes por clase, así como en la organización de los horarios de los estudiantes, y los paquetes de información para las registraciones que serán enviados a los padres de familia.

Megan Richardson, directora de Storm Lake Middle School.

Por su parte, la directora de Storm Lake Middle School Megan Richardson comentó que la escuela tuvo un evento el pasado 13 de julio, donde los padres de familia tuvieron la oportunidad de registrar a sus niños y hacer preguntas. A las familias que asistieron se les otorgó boletos para participar en una rifa y ganar grandes premios. “Fue un evento muy divertido y tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir importante información con los padres de familia.”

Megan dijo que tanto ella como sus colegas están muy contentos de que los estudiantes regresen a los salones de clase. “Siempre es bueno tener a los niños de regreso al edificio. Los hemos extrañado mucho, a pesar de que los hemos visto de vez en cuando en la calle durante el verano, siempre es bueno poder convivir con ellos, y continuar fortaleciendo nuestra relación.”

Matt Doebel, director de Storm Lake High School Matt Doebel. Foto cortesía de Matt Doebel.

Por su parte, el director de Storm Lake High School, Matt Doebel dijo que la escuela se está preparando para fortalecer los lazos entre los estudiantes y el personal, ya que los estudiantes representan el fundamento principal del distrito escolar.

Matt agregó que para el nuevo año escolar, la escuela estará ofreciendo no solo asistencia académica a sus estudiantes, sino que también ofrecerán grupos de apoyos, y programas de conexión con miembros de la comunidad, entre otras cosas.

El director de Denison Elementary School Christopher Schulz comentó, “No podemos esperar a tener a los niños de regreso en la escuela y esperamos que todos podamos estar sanos.”

Al igual que Christopher, los demás directores escolares compartieron preocupación ante la posibilidad de que las clases se vean interrumpidas o que los estudiantes como profesores se vean afectados a causa del COVID-19 y sus variantes.

Es importante que los padres de familia estén al tanto de los sitios Web de las escuelas de sus hijos, al igual que de los correos electrónicos, ya que es la mejor manera de recibir información y actualizaciones de los centros de estudios de sus hijos.

Denison High School estará ofreciendo un curso nuevo de calefacción y de aire acondicionado para los estudiantes que deseen ejercer una carrera en esa área de estudio después de la High School.

Las inscripciones son completamente en línea a través de www.denison.k12.ia.us y no es necesario que los padres de familia se presenten a la escuela. Sim embargo, se pueden comunicar con la escuela en caso de preguntas o necesiten ayuda para inscribir a sus hijos.

Las fechas de registración son del 1ro. al 12 de agosto. El primer día de clase es el 23 de agosto.

Storm Lake High School ofrecerá a un desayuno gratis para los padres de familia y sus estudiantes el 23 de agosto de 9 a.m. a 10:30 a.m. 


School districts prepare to welcome their students back to class

Although several principals in the Storm Lake and Denison school districts are excited that the school year is approaching, they are also somewhat concerned about the shortage of teachers in schools. Photo by Arthur Krijgsman in Pexels.

Ashley Martínez Torres
Special for LA PRENSA Iowa

Less than a month before students return to school, the Denison and Storm Lake school districts have already begun preparations to welcome children and youth for this 2022-23 school year.

"We look forward in concluding the construction projects on the building soon, so that we can finalize some preparations before the first day of school," said Denison High School Principal Dave Wiebers.

Storm Lake Middle School Principal Megan Richardson. Photo courtesy of Storm Lake Community School District.

Some of the preparations include balancing the size of the classes, finishing organizing the students’ schedules, organizing and sending information packages for the registrations, among other things, according to Wiebers.

Storm Lake Middle School Principal Megan Richardson said the school had an event on July 13 where parents had the opportunity to register their children and ask questions. Families who attended were awarded tickets to enter a raffle and win big prizes.

"It was a really fun event, and we had the opportunity to share important information," she said.

Both Richardson and Wiebers, as well as several of their colleagues from other schools, agree that they are excited to see the children back in the classrooms not only to learn, but to make students feel "like part of the school community, so we have taken the necessary steps to strengthen our ties [with them], " said Storm Lake High School Principal Matt Doebel.

He added that the school will be helping its students in a variety of things like academic help, support groups, creating connections with community members, among other things.

"It's always fun to have the kids back in the building," Richardson said. "We have missed them very much, and even though we have seen them from time to time on the street during the summer, it is always good to be able to interact with them and continue to strengthen our relationship with our children."

"We can't wait to have the kids back in school, and we hope we can all stay healthy," said Denison Elementary School Principal Christopher Schulz.

Like Schulz, the other school principals shared concerns about the possibility that classes may be interrupted or that both students and teachers may be affected by COVID-19 again.

Storm Lake High School Principal Matt Doebel. Photo courtesy of Matt Doebel.

"We're hoping to have a more normal school year," Wiebers explained. "We are slowly returning to the routine we had before the pandemic."

"The pandemic is an issue of constant concern, but we are hopeful that we can all be as safe as possible," Doebel added.

Reminders and important dates


Wiebers reminds parents to be aware of the school's website as well as their emails as it is the best way to receive information and updates from the school, especially because parents should expect to receive registration packages within a week.

"I hope our students will take advantage of these past few weeks to spend quality time with their family and friends, and that they will come prepared to learn once school begins," Wiebers added.

Additionally, Denison High School will be offering a new heating and conditioning course this school year for those students who wish to pursue a career in that area of study after high school.

Meanwhile, Schulz reminds parents that registrations are completely online through www.denison.k12.ia.us and do not need to show up to school. However, parents are invited to contact the school if they have questions or have forgotten their passwords. Registration dates are from August 1st to 12th.

Other dates to remember including:

•      Open House grades PK-12 – August 18 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

•      First day of school (PK – 12) – August 23

•      Open House for preschool – August 26 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

•      First day of school (preschool) – August 29

Storm Lake

Richardson also asks parents to stay on top of their emails as well as make sure their contact information and address are up to date, so they can receive information from the school.

She also added that the school is planning several events to take place throughout the school year, however "we will share more information about them once it becomes available," Richardson explained.

Meanwhile, Doebel invites Seniors and their parents to attend a breakfast the school will offer on Aug. 23 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Similarly, some changes that the school will implement include a new class schedule, which was based on feedback by parents, students and teachers.

"This decision was made to be able to meet the needs of the school and everyone involved," Doebel said.

In addition, the school will also offer more creative events during the Homecoming week as well as its first alternative rock concert along with a financial education event.

"Our cheerleading team will be part of several assemblies and our Student Council plans to incorporate games into the classrooms during the school year," Doebel explained.

Other dates to remember including:

•      Welcome conferences for Denison High School – August 22 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and August 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

•      Orientation for 9th grade students – August 23 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

•      First official day of school – August 26

This article was sponsored by the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation.