Las cámaras corporales formarán parte del uniforme de los policías de Denison

Las cámaras corporales formarán parte del uniforme de los policías de Denison

Body cameras will be part of the Denison cops uniform

On Tuesday, December 4, the Denison City Council had a meeting where it approved the use of more or less twenty thousand dollars for the purchase of body cameras, vehicle cameras, and other accessories plus the cost of labor and equipment installation for the Denison Police Department.

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Demanda: Gerentes de Tyson apostaron dinero sobre los trabajadores que contraerían covid-19

Demanda: Gerentes de Tyson apostaron dinero sobre los trabajadores que contraerían covid-19

Tyson managers bet money on workers who would contract COVID-19

Una demanda por homicidio culposo relacionada a infecciones por COVID-19 en una planta procesadora de carne de puerco de Waterloo afirma que, durante las etapas iniciales de la pandemia, Tyson Foods ordenó a que los trabajadores se presentarán a trabajar mientras los supervisores apostaban dinero en privado sobre la cantidad de trabajadores que se enfermarían del virus mortal.

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Hombre deja a dos muertos y tres heridos

Hombre deja a dos muertos y tres heridos

Man leaves two dead and three injured

According to the KETV Channel 7 television station in Omaha, on Saturday, November 21 of this year, there was a shooting at the Sonic Drive-In restaurant at 15th and Cornhusker streets in Bellevue, Nebraska where two victims were pronounced dead at the scene while two others, they were taken to the hospital with severe injuries and another who refused treatment.

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