Aparición de la niña de Denison continúa siendo un misterio
/⇣ English translation provided at the end ⇣
Victoria Reyna-Rodríguez
El caso de la niñita de Denison Mackenzi Godden de 6 años que estuvo desaparecida de su casa en Denison, desde la noche del viernes, 25 de junio y que fue encontrada la tarde del siguiente día, continúa siendo un misterio.
Mitch Mortvedt, Director asistente de la Division Criminal de Investigación de Iowa (Assistant Director at Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, por su nombre en inglés). Fue el investigador involucrado en el caso de la desaparición de la niña Mackenzie Godden.
Mitch Mortvedt, director asistente de la División de Investigación Criminal en Iowa, dijo a este medio en una entrevista telefónica que mientras cada caso es distinto, no es raro estar desaparecido durante 20 horas o más. Sin embargo, comentó que es poco común que el o la menor sea encontrado en su propia casa.
“Normalmente un niño pequeño como ella [Mackenzi] suele ser encontrado cerca de la casa que habita, en caso que no exista una mano o si un acto deshonesto.” Dijo Mitch. Refiriéndose a niños que se han perdido de sus casas pero que son encontrados cuando no hay referencias de hechos criminales que comprometan la pérdida del niño.
Mitch también comentó que las autoridades no son quien para determinar si hubo negligencia parental dentro del caso.
“Cualquier decisión de acusar a los padres de negligencia estaría a cargo de la oficina de la oficina del procurador en el condado de Crawford o posiblemente [el Departamento de Servicios Humanos],” explicó.
También explicó que cuando una persona es reportada desaparecida, las autoridades comienzan la investigación con las personas con las que el individuo fue visto por última vez. En cuanto a la búsqueda por evidencia, las autoridades van hasta donde esta los lleve. En este caso, el último lugar donde la niña fue vista, fue cerca de su casa y sus alrededores.
La página de Facebook de la administración de los servicios de emergencia del condado de Crawford publicó un mensaje sobre la aparición de Mackenzie debajo de su cama, el sábado 26 de junio.
Denison six-year old missing and found in 21 hours
Victoria Reyna-Rodríguez
Mackenzie Godden was missing from her home in Denison, Iowa for a total of 21 hours on Friday, June 25 to Saturday, June 26.
Mitch Mortvedt, Assistant Director at Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, an investigator involved in the Mackenzie Godden case
Crawford County Emergency management posted on Facebook that Godden was found “safe and sound” Saturday afternoon under a trundle bed in her own home.
Mitch Mortvedt, assistant director at the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said that while every case is different it is not uncommon to be missing for 20 or more hours. But, it is uncommon to be found in the home.
“Usually a younger child like her is found close to their home if foul play is not part of it,” Mortvedt said.
Along the lines of foul play, Mortvedt also said it is not for law enforcement to determine if there was any parental negligence involved in this case.
“Any charging decision of finding parental negligence would be up to the Crawford County Attorney’s Office and possibly [the Department of Human Services],” Mortvedt said.
Mortvedt said anytime someone goes missing, law enforcement starts with and all people the missing individual was last seen with or by. He said as far as searching for evidence goes, law enforcement goes wherever the investigation leads them. For example the last place the missing person was seen, their residence and areas that lead away from those.
A neighbor of the Godden family, who chose to remain anonymous, had their house searched. Law enforcement asked to search the neighbor’s house three times, however they only agreed once.
“I remember getting home from a night out to police being all over the area. I was so confused [about] what was going on so I asked a neighbor what was happening. He said a six year old [was] missing since 7 p.m. Me and my husband got worried as we have a six year old ourselves and started searching all around our house,” the neighbor said.
The neighbor also said they felt there should have been more investigation done involving the parents, and that their house should have been searched first.
There is more fear than usual surrounding the neighborhood now.
“I’m afraid to let my children out of my sight for even a minute,” said Godden’s neighbor, “I no longer let them outside. I don’t see the usual kids that would be outside any longer. It seems a lot more quiet. I think all parents are a bit scared now.”